"And He Is With You Wherever You Are"
Quran 57:4
Jumu'ah Salat every Friday at Alton Community Centre.
Khutbah @ 1:00pm. Salat Prayer @ 1:30pm.
Special Announcement
AIC Events
We are currently fundraising for
the Alton Islamic Centre!
More events coming soon...
Recent News
Asalaamwalaikam - we are so happy and over the moon to finally announce that Alton Islamic Centre is now an official registered charity body.
By the will of Allah this will open up many more opportunities for us to grow within the community of Alton.
You donations are welcome to help establish our own Masjid and Islamic Education Centre in Alton In sha Allah.
Our charity number is 1198014.

About Alton Islamic Centre
Founded in 2012, Alton Islamic Centre was established by a small group of muslim brothers who had a desire to bring Jumu'ah prayers within reach to the muslim community in Alton Hampshire & the surrounding areas.
Alhumdulilah (All praise is due to god alone), over time the community has expanded and continues to grow each day, making the community stronger than ever. Subhan'Allah (God Is Perfect).
Holding Jumu'ah prayer's at Alton's Community Centre every Friday, Alton Islamic Centre is starting to flourish throughout, both, the Muslim community and entire community in Alton Hampshire.
In May 2018 the first ever Taraweeh prayers was held in Alton Hampshire, this was a huge achievement. Eid Al-Fitr has also been confirmed within Alton, at the Alton Community Centre.
For more information on this event and many more events please do not hesitate to email or call
Alton Islamic Centre. ​
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Where Are We?
We are currently located in Alton Hampshire, at Alton Community Centre.
Our community have established base here for 6 years, with plans to move into our own space for Alton's community and the surrounding area's. Insh'Allah this will happen very soon.
Alton's community centre is, and has been an astonishing place for the muslim community to grow. With Alton's community welcoming us with open arms and always helping where they can. This has, and rightly so, strengthened not just the muslim community, but the community as a whole.

Alton Community Centre Address
Amery St,
Alton Hampshire,
GU34 1HN